2022 came and went. It’s been a strange year, but things went back to normal – more or less.

In times of conflict music and art in general are the first victims. Tunes to remind you of the good old times increase in value for me. It’s always been my crutch to rely on when the world goes awry.

For Discoholics Anonymous it’s been the best year so far. We’ve had some amazing premieres, and the blog has continued growing and I feel that we’ve been able to push the envelope with free downloads and exclusives over the year.

The blog received a workover, and the feedback has been incredible. Thanks for all the kind words!

The biggest success though, was the release of Discoholics Anonymous 2, December 12th 2021. Literally 1000s stormed our Bandcamp, making it one of the most successful Disco/Funk releases on Bandcamp in 2022! 

We have been working incredibly hard to present you with this year’s Discoholics Anonymous compilation, which has been highly anticipated judging from your feedback on SoMe and mails.

Mannix, Disco Lust, Dim Zach, The Found Sound Orchestra, DoctorSoul, Ezirk, Ben Jamin, The Loneliest Hunk, Mikeandtess, Picossu, Pookie Knights, Chewy Rubs, Lup Ino, Ferdinand Debeaufort, Secret Soul Society and Touchsoul (with a bit of cowbelling by myself) all poured out their hearts and souls (and dug deep in their crates) to help Discoholics Anonymous 3 on its way. 
My best friend, true buddy, and numero uno main guy Jimmy Knudsen (Mindwerk) did the A M A Z I N G cover art again this year. Nobody does it better.

Your generous donations last year have made it possible for me to maintain the site and deliver a free and ad free experience.

You can support us by donating on Bandcamp or here:

Paypal: @discoholicsanon

Discoholics Anonymous Recordings put out 15 releases, and I’m HELLA proud of the level of quality all the way through. Thanks to Dexter Jones, Lup Ino, Twin Sun, G Prajekt, Picossu, Touchsoul, Ben Jamin, Groovemasta, Ferdinand Debeaufort, Prisma Deer, DiCE_NZ, Secret Soul Society, The Found Sound Orchestra, Sauco, Fray Bentos, Pookie Knights, Drop Out Orchestra, Monsieur Van Pratt, Disco Lust, Pete Ellison, Ezirk, Akeem Raphael and Kristoff MX for letting me release their audio babies. 

Hot To The Touch has maintained its position as one of the most sought out Disco themed podcasts in the world. Our partnership with one of Greece’s finest radio stations, PRIME RADIO, continues, and I feel lucky that we reach such a large FM audience every Friday. 

Mauro Vecchi joined the resident’s crew in 2022. I’d like to pay my humblest respect to Martin (MartinMax), George (Ezirk) and Mauro for consistently delivering what to my ears are some of the finest mixes in the Disco, Funk and House genres. They make me sound good, every week and every month. 

We were recently nominated for an OGV Award. Thanks to those who nominated us!

A huge Thank you to DJ Hasse, Andy Buchan, Figment, C. Da Afro, The Loneliest Hunk, Charly Angelz, Ferdinand Debeaufort, Jet Boot Jack, DJ Laurel, Walterino, Just Martina, The Magic Track, Javi Frias, Musta, Iorga, Lup Ino, Touchsoul, Mikeandtess, Faz, Kristoff MX, Fray Bentos, Picossu, La Fusa, DJ BK, Pete Le Freq, DiCE_NZ, RobJamWeb, Parker Mills, Mannix, Martin Hayes, Shalvoy, Rayko, Pedro From Lisbon and Mark Whites for their amazing guest sets. You guys raised the bar for it all!

2023 is lurking in the deep end. The first three releases on Discoholics Anonymous Recordings are uploaded and set for release through Jaunary and February. 

I will have my first post-COVID gigs in 2023. I can’t wait to meet some you guys out there in real life!

The blog will continue its path and hopefully we’ll be able to win this year’s OGV Award again. 

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