
© 2022 Sir Sounds
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SIRS (Sounds In Real Stereo) is Berlin based musical polymath Daniel Klein. He’s been roaming amazing labels like Kenneth Bager’s Music For DreamsCompostFuture Disco and Public Possessions to name a few. Here he’s presenting some of his most personal work thus far on his own Sir Sounds Records.

Moments Of Life is an excursion into Balearic skies, which is by no means unknown territory to SIRS.

With vocalist Aino, the EP kicks off with the titular Stambul, which is Russian slang for Istanbul, where Daniel Klein was in Lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The song is an ode to his late girlfriend Anna, who sadly  passed away to cancer in May 2021.

Stambul swells with pathos and grandeur, with a bittersweet, ethereal sensibility, which often sets the tone for the SIRS audio universe.

The song is also available in a short version, and an instrumental version. Both fine reproductions of the same sound universe with especially the instrumental revealing more subtle details in production.

Aino’s voice is cunningly chosen, and fits the universe of the song sublimely, hovering with pathos and grace over the sonic landscape.

Marima is a repetitive and meditative rug of guitar, synths, bass and drums, which could be an auditory interpretation of what limbo SIRS may have found itself in during Lockdown. A kind of transition.

It lays down like an interlude full of depth and yet an indifference.

Moments Of Life is SIRS’ most personal and heartfelt release to date and serves as a fitting ode to life and love.

Out July 29th on Bandcamp.

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