Ootkeen blew me away with his first outing on Rare Wiri back in February. Now he’s back with another sublime EP on Rare Wiri with a stellar follow-up.

Eternal Orbits consists of three tracks. I selected the last track, The Horizons.

The Horizons pulsates and radiates from the first beat. A breezy, Balearic feel is present from first breath, and the track waves and pulsates, organically and electronically at the same time.
Ootkeen’s knack for flowing soundscapes is sublime. His way of seamlessly structuring the track to have both substance enough to be danceable, and his way of weaving a story that lives on its own is pretty damned impressive, and really unique to him as an artist.

All three tracks are superb, and as an EP this stands its grounds as one of the best from Rare Wiri this year, for me even surpassing the high standard set by its predecessor, which was actually release of the week with us.
Rare Wiri keeps gaining territory as a go-to label for varied, multi-genre release and crossover-productions, rivalling the Cosmic Disco quality of mastodon Permanent Vacation.

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