Andy Buchan has obviously been a favorite of ours from the get go. Here Andy merges his forces with Conan The Selector in a Power Rangers kinda way! Energetic primal Disco with a sparkle in the eye. Strings, horns, whistles and bells all amount to one thing, and one thing only: Pure, enjoyable Disco power.
We’re keeping our eyes peeled on Hot Gorilla Records!

Hot Gorilla

Primal Disco!

Hot-stepping into the disco jungle, Hot Gorilla is a joint project between Conan The Selector and Andy Buchan (Andy is still working on his cool DJ alias name…!) With hundreds of releases between them and years of DJing together, they’ve come together under the Hot Gorilla guise for some serious monkey business.

Launched in 2020, the label blurs the lines between disco, funk, house and reworked edits, and comes at you with one aim and one aim only – to make you go bananas on the dancefloor.

Hot Gorilla Records’ Soundcloud

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