It’s been a while since I posted something from the amazing Joji Chissu, and I admit it up front: I slept on this one!
Chissu has steadily been building his Discozilla monster of a label with predominantly his own productions. From his impressive productions over his gorgeous art for the releases, Discozilla ranks at the very top of labels I follow intensely.
So, what’s new on planet Chissu? “Fatal Passion” is! You like the funky, silky goodness of Chromeo? You dig the punchy crunchiness of Oliver? Well, aren’t you lucky that Joji Chissu created this towering disco-lizard of a track!
Any version of this track is spectacular, but for me the Vibey mix has that little extra *oomph* you want in a modern Nu Disco track.
The vocals are spot on, tightly delivered with funky panache in its full falsetto glory. It’s when it’s fused with the A M A Z I N G track, which Chissu has tailored like a mad scientist with a full arsenal of Funk at his disposal, that the magic is sparked and really connects with the audience.
Don’t be like me and sleep on this one for a good couple of months. This deserves some full center attention.